June 27th, 2019
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is a national, non-partisan, member based organization and receives no core government funding. CCAB’s mission is supported by dedicated members through membership dues, events and sponsorship. Today, the growing success of the Aboriginal economy indicates that we are steadily progressing towards recovering equitable and sustainable business relationships between Aboriginal Peoples for the betterment of all Canadians.
CCAB members are uniquely positioned to promote their brand, products and services on the website with an exclusive member page in the Member Directory. Our receptions and webinars enable members to connect for knowledge sharing, business development and procurement opportunities.
CCAB national events raise business profiles through our galas, business luncheons and hot topic series. To support business opportunities members receive discounted rates at our events. CCAB business awards series are held at our galas to showcase the accomplishments of recipients and provide inspiration and encouragement for the Aboriginal business community.
CCAB programs provide members with tools and strategies to develop and achieve desired, measurable outcomes.
CCAB’s original research informs industry, government and other organizations of current trends, and best practices and areas of opportunities for Aboriginal Peoples and business Canada. Our research delivers essential statistics that address Aboriginal business challenges and issues.
Read about the CCAB’s latest initiative here: https://www.ccab.com/supplychange/
To learn more about CCAB please visit their website at https://www.ccab.com/