Environmentally-friendly Clean Design class notation Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) Vessel ; equipped with a dual propulsion system can adapt power needs to the type of operation with diesel electric mode. Designed and equipped for advanced offshore support operations. Special Purpose Ship (SPS) notation and large, high standard accommodations for 60 persons.
UT 717 Environmentally friendly Clean Design class notation Platform Supply Vessel (PSV), equipped with modern technology and specially designed for safe and reliable services to offshore installations with additional duty as a standby vessel for 220 persons.
The Polar Prince maintains a long-established record for breaking out harbours and escorting ships through the ice encountered in the harsh Canadian Arctic environment. This vessel is classed as a medium duty icebreaker with Arctic Class 1+ and boasts significant strength due to its unique ice breaking bow, heavily reinforced cruiser stern, low intakes and heavy steering and propulsion.
Ice-strengthened truckable tugs perform towing, ice management, and general workboat services. Utilized for activities such as: coastal protection programs, tug and barge operations in specific nîches and supporting Canada’s oil sand projects in Alberta.
Ice-strengthened truckable tugs perform towing, ice management, and general workboat services. Utilized for activities such as: coastal protection programs, tug and barge operations in specific nîches and supporting Canada’s oil sand projects in Alberta.
Ice-strengthened truckable tugs perform towing, ice management, and general workboat services. Utilized for activities such as: coastal protection programs, tug and barge operations in specific nîches and supporting Canada’s oil sand projects in Alberta.